Carl Spitzweg

Carl Spitzweg

pseudonym: -

birth data

date of birth: 1808

place of birth: München

death data

date of death: 1885

death: ebenda


Carl Spitzweg had an unusual professional career and was one of the most famous German painters of the 19th century. He was born in 1808 in Unterpfaffenhofen and he originated from a well-respected, wealthy family. Although his talent became evident at a very young age, he chose to follow his fathers career, began his studies in pharmacy in 1830, and became a pharmacist later on. However, during his work as a pharmacist Spitzweg still continued to draw. From 1833 Spitzweg became more active as an artist, and soon decided to devote himself professionally to painting without ever having attended an academy. Within the following years he created mostly small-format pictures, which present people in their contemporary bourgeois environment. Another popular motif of the artist were the sick, young and old as well as idyllic views of the small town of Straubing. In addition, while he was working for the weekly magazine "Fliegende Blätter" (Flying Leaves), he created numerous humorous drawings, which remain characteristic for his artistic work. At the age of 77, Carl Spitzweg passed away from a stroke in Munich in 1885.